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캐나다 회계 세무 완전정복

Moving Expenses by CRA

Living room with moving boxes

Did you that you can deduct your moving expenses to attend a post-secondary program at a university, college or other education institution full time? Also if you moved to work, including for a summer job or to run a business, you may also be able to claim your moving expenses. Go to Canada.ca/taxes-get-ready to learn more about other deductions and credits available to you at tax time.

세액 공제 및 세금 지원 혜택 관련 유용한 CRA 동영상 시리즈 (한국어 자막 제공)

안녕하세요. Canada Revenue Agency에서 제공하는 납세자에게 유용한 동영상을 안내해드립니다.

한국어 자막도 제공하고 있어 더욱 쉽게 이해할 수 있습니다.

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